Ultrasound is a painless procedure that combines high-frequency sound waves with computer imaging to allow us to painlessly view internal organs and structures. Sound waves, which are safe and contain no radiation, are transmitted at high frequency and bounce off internal structures to generate a computer image.
In our practice, ultrasound is used to view internal organs including the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, kidneys, and bladder and to scan for cysts and tumors. It is also used for guidance during endometrial biopsies or IUD insertions.
For pregnant women, ultrasound is used to verify that the pregnancy and the fetus are progressing normally. Targeted ultrasound in used to examine the fetus' head, chest, stomach, bones, heart, blood flow and more. Ultrasound is also used for guidance in prenatal diagnostic procedures like chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and amniocentesis.
Advanced ultrasound can be used to estimate due dates, diagnose the existence of twins or other multiple pregnancies, and screen for placental and fetal abnormalities like congenital heart disease, spina bifida, limb or kidney disorders, and brain and bowel anomalies.