Overweight and Obesity
Overweight and Obesity is a complex disorder. More than 72 percent of adults in the United States are overweight or obese and more than 40 percent are obese. It is now at epidemic levels and we are losing the battle.
One of the reasons is that physicians, dieticians, and government policymakers have been giving the same “Calories-In versus Calories-Out “ weight loss advice for the past 60 years which has proven to have a 99% chance of failure. Overweight and obesity is associated with multiple chronic metabolic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, stroke, type II diabetes, hypertension, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, gallbladder disease, and 14 cancers just to name a few.
You already know ... overweight and obesity can occur at any age but as we get older, most people notice that maintaining their usual weight becomes more difficult. In fact, many women notice accelerated weight gain around the menopause transition particularly as the hormonal environment changes. Although we are now seeing an epidemic in our children and youth, Youthfulness has almost always been synonymous with the ability to stay active, thin, and energized despite a robust appetite, but now we are seeing an epidemic of overweight and obesity in our children and youth. However, aging is also often associated with the effects of fatigue, ill health, and weight gain.
You may not know ... for many women especially those experiencing menopause, weight gain is one of their major health concerns. Most of us know from personal experience what numerous studies have now demonstrated: menopausal transition along with hormonal imbalance is associated with unfavorable changes in body composition and abdominal fat deposition.
You need to know ... while aging is inevitable, multiple metabolic diseases with its adverse health consequences and weight gain is not. You can reverse the course of overweight and obesity and its deadly consequences by knowing what to do and doing it.
If you would like to get back on track, visit our website weightlossaugusta.com.