Manage Your Weight During Menopause
You already know ... As you get older, you might notice that maintaining your usual weight becomes more difficult. In fact, many women gain weight around the menopause transition. Youthfulness is almost synonymous with the ability to stay active and energized. Aging, on the other hand, is unfortunately often associated with the effects of fatigue, ill health, and weight gain.
You may not know ... For many menopausal women, weight gain is one of their major health concerns. Most of us know from personal experience what numerous studies have now demonstrated: menopausal transition is associated with unfavorable changes in body composition and abdominal fat deposition which adversely affect long-term health.
You need to now ... While aging is inevitable, menopausal weight gain is not. You can reverse the course if you know the true science of how to lose weight and keep it off. We can help you not only lose weight quickly and safely, but also teach you how to keep the weight off once you have lost it.
Our approach
Why lose weight? Achieving a healthy weight reduces your risk of many costly and chronic diseases, including heart disease, strokes, type II diabetes, joint problems, and up to 14 different cancers. A healthy weight also makes menopausal symptoms potentially more bearable and improves bladder health, particularly incontinence. Being at a healthy weight improves your energy levels and boosts your self-confidence. Weight loss management is not just about fitting into society’s expectations for thinness. It’s essential to your health, wellness, and robust aging.
I'm not overweight, but I don't want to gain weight.
A woman’s body and health is ever changing, and this includes your metabolism and weight. Our Advanced Medical Weight Loss program can educate you about these changes and help you navigate hormone changes that can have a very real effect on the shape and size of your physique. Your nutritional needs change during menopause, too. Discussing this with our providers will help you understand these changes so you can maintain energy and enjoy optimal health even as your body transitions gracefully.